Personal style is everything. Your style is your introduction without having to say a word. Nothing can communicate confidence louder than your signature trademark look.
Your sense of style and creativity is one of the most important things you can convey through your choice in fashion.
Not many have a signature style or struggle to create a look of their own. As we grow and evolve, so does our style. Fashion is always evolving and a lot are more worried about keeping up with the latest trends, rather than creating them and creating a style that works for them.
Your style should match your personality, your lifestyle, the overall you.
Your style is your message to the world. Are you sending the right message or need a little direction and assistance?
Ask yourself:
Are you investing in the right pieces?
Are you choosing garments that flatter your body shape?
Do you struggle to incorporate certain styles, colors or prints into your wardrobe?
Are you getting the most of your wardrobe?
Do you play it safe and stick to what's comfortable?
A one-on-one consultation is step towards a "new you"-- we will assess your current style, your wardrobe and create a style that caters to you.
Book your consultation with me today:
- a step towards a more fashionably you, on a daileighly basis -
i love this "your style should match your personality", really nice post and I think everyone should have a signature look. style consultation with you would be fun.
This sounds like a daily struggle for me!
ReplyDeletewill def consider this
LOVE your style, Ashleigh!!! And i love that Ihave a clutch named after you! You and your sister are awesome!
ReplyDeletexo, Lisa
www.lisaalamode.com (Feel free to join my fashion link-up this week)
You have great style Ashleigh.
your style is impeccable!